The University of the Joinville Region – Univille is a non-profit, philanthropic and community institution that has been promoting humanistic, scientific and professional education for society for 58 years through teaching, research and extension. It is a university committed to socio-environmental sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship and internationalization. It is headquartered in Joinville, the largest municipality and largest industrial park in Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil, and has another campus in São Bento do Sul and a unit in São Francisco do Sul. In addition, it has 14 distance education centers. Univille develops curriculum internationalization actions for students, professors and researchers, through partnerships with international institutions. We believe that international academic experiences are a rich complement to the integral formation of all people.

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thousand students


undergraduate and postgraduate courses


master and doctorate courses








research groups


research projects

Programas de Internacionalização

Internationalization Programs

International Academic Mobility

This program offers exchange possibilities for outgoing or incoming undergraduate students. Incoming students have the possibility to study at Univille and outgoing students have the opportunity to study in our partner international universities for 6 months or 1 year. During the exchange period, students are exempt from paying universities monthly fees. Mobility requires an international cooperation agreement. If your university is interesting in building a cooperation, the Internacional Office will be pleasant to help you. Click below to see the list of our partner universities.

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IaH - Internalization at Home

IaH is an opportunity to integrate intercultural and international dimensions into the curriculum of all students with virtualized activities or activities that take place at Univille. Per example, lectures and courses with international guests and partners, subjects and modules in a foreign language, among other initiatives. You are welcome to collaborate with us in virtual experiences. For more information, please contact the International Office.

O eMOVIES - Virtual Mobility Space in Higher Education is a virtual exchange platform free to all Univille students. Through this tool, students can remotely study subjects from different areas of knowledge offered by universities of the Americas. It is an excellent opportunity to democratize the internationalization of the curriculum. eMOVIES is an initiative led by the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE).

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International Internship

International internships are periods of practical activities carried out in partner institutions and companies affiliated with Univille globally. We welcome international students who aim to do an internship at our Community Out Reach Projects or at our partners. Per example, at local hospitals mediated by the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFSMA). Please contact IFSMA or our International Office for more information. Click bellow to see the list of our Community Outreach Projects.

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Short Term Programs

These are exchange programs lasting an average of one week to one month, such as in-depth foreign language courses, academic and business trips, international academic-scientific and cultural conferences and seminars, among other initiatives. We welcome you at our university to produce collaborative conferences and seminars. We also invite you to join our international events or just visit our campus. For more information, please contact the Internacional Office.

International Research

International research consists of sharing and producing joint knowledge with partner foreign academic-scientific institutions, strengthening partnerships and international scientific networks. Post graduate students, professors and researchers can do research and mobility at Univille or at our partner universities, apply for international scholarships and to international research funds. We are willing to collaborate with global researches and welcome those who would like to cooperate in our research projects. For more information, please contact the Internacional Office.

Research Programs Research Lines
Programas de Internacionalização

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Programas de Internacionalização

Undergraduate courses

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Programas de Internacionalização

Post-Graduation Programs of Univille

PMAI - Programa de Mobilidade Acadêmica Internacional
Master and PhD in Education

The master and PhD in Education aims to contribute to the formation of researchers in education compromised with the development of scientific investigation and the knowledge production that involves public policies, field of work, teacher education, and the aesthetical, historical, and cultural aspects.

Master and PhD in Cultural Heritage and Society

The master and PhD in Cultural Heritage and Society aims to train professors for higher education that are able to articulate teaching to research and the investigation towards teaching, in an interdisciplinary perspective, and to qualify professionals that already work in organizations related to the protection/valorization, transmission/diffusion, and social appropriation of the cultural heritage.

Master PhD
Master and PhD in Health and Environment

The Post-Graduation Program in Health and Environment of UNIVILLE (PPGSMA) aims to qualify, in an interdisciplinary perspective, able human resources in the field of health and environment that can contribute to the generation of knowledge and the formulation of public and private policies towards the management and conservation of the environment, likewise the development and promotion of actions to health improvement, to environmental quality, and to regional development.

Master PhD
Master and PhD in Design

The master and PhD in Design aims to meet the demand for professionals with a substantial background, the objective is to contribute with the qualification of high-level professionals, who are compromised with the production of technical-scientific knowledge to solve problems towards design of products and services, focusing on the sustainability in urban, industrial and craft contexts.

Master in Production Systems

The master degree in Production Systems will provide opportunities for a deeper understanding of production systems in their aspects of management, technology, product, service and process improvement. Throghout the comprehension of those process development, the program aims to contribute to social, economic and environmental evolutions.

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Master in Process Engineeringing

The Master in Process Engineering has only one concentration area, Process and Product Development and Management, and aims to qualify professionals to act in the industrial, academic, and scientific fields, being able to absorb and develop innovative technologies, and to create less polluting and environmentally correct materials, products, and process.

Professional Master in Contemporary Communication and Mediations

The professional master degree in Contemporary Communication and Mediations has the main objective of contributing to the qualification of the training of professionals aware of the transformations in the world of information/communication and the way in which they alter social, cultural and consumer relations.

Assessoria Internacional


Univille Design graduates win Golden Lion in Cannes


One of the 14 Golden Lions won by Brazil in Cannes this year went to six graduates of Univille: Daniel Maia, Rafael Monti, Vinicius Kluge, Victor Balestrin, Alan José Dias, and Nicole Lia Rêgo da Silva...

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Univille professor publishes study in one of the most influential journals in the world


Marcelo Lacerda, a physician and professor in the Master's and Doctorate Program in Health and Environment at Univille, had an article published last month in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the second most influential medical publication in the world...

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São Bento do Sul campus academic community participates in international lecture


On Monday night (09/16), São Bento do Sul campus academic community of Univille participated in an international lecture with the Consul General of Poland, Marta Olkowska...

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Prof. Dr. Luciane Stallivieri at Univille: strengthening internationalization


Univille strengthened its academic internationalization agenda by welcoming, this Tuesday (07/16), the renowned professor Luciane Stallivieri, internationally recognized for her contributions in the field. At the invitation of the International Officeof the Pro-Rector of ResearchPostgraduate Studies...

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International Office

Univille believes that international academic experience is a rich complement to education, as it provides qualification of knowledge and cultural development. The International Office aims to promote curriculum internationalization actions for students, professors, and researchers, within the scope of education, research, and extension. We are looking forward to receiving your contact to initiate a cooperation. Come to experience South Brazil atmosphere with us.


Juliana da Motta Bustamante

Head of International Office

+55 47 3641-9051


Cecília Sousa

International Office Assistant

+55 47 3461-9051

Campus Joinville

Assessoria Internacional

(47) 3461-9000

Rua Paulo Malschitzki, 10 - Zona Industrial Norte

Joinville - SC


Razão Social: Fundação Educacional da Região de Joinville

CNPJ 84.714.682/0001-94